Research Article
Mobile Water Quality Sensors in Monitoring Hotspots of River Surface Water Pollution
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1 Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government, Tainan 701044, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Protection, 4(3), September 2024, 13-17,
Published: 07 November 2024
OPEN ACCESS 159 Views 98 Downloads
Mobile water quality sensors in monitoring hotspots of river surface water pollution allow for an efficient and flexible inspection. Traditional fixed monitoring stations often fail to capture the dynamic changes in water pollution, whereas mobile sensors are used to monitor large water bodies and detect abnormalities in pollution hotspots in real-time. Utilizing the advantages of mobile sensors and data processing methods, river pollution inspection can be carried out effectively. Experiment results show that the sensitivity and accuracy of pollution monitoring are enhanced, enabling timely remediation actions.
Zhou, Y.-L., & Wu, W.-H. (2024). Mobile Water Quality Sensors in Monitoring Hotspots of River Surface Water Pollution. International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Protection, 4(3), 13-17.
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